Postdoctoral Fellowships program at University of Milan 2011, Italy


College University of Milan offers 90 Postdoctoral Fellowships program in various fields in Italy Scholarship

Study Subject(s): Various
Fellowships program Level: Postdoctoral
Scholarship Provider: University of Milan
International Scholarships can be taken at: Italy

Eligibility:-All those who have earned a PhD and graduated holding a diploma in the speciality area of medicine (medical) can participate in the public competition; in both cases candidates must have proper scientific- professional curriculum to carry out research activity.
-Both degrees must have been earned after 30th May 2006, otherwise the candidate will be excluded from the competition.
-Candidates holding degrees earned abroad ( PhD or specialty in medical area) must send together with the application form the degrees translated by an official translator into Italian and certified by the Authorities of the country releasing the degree (unless exempted according to International Agreements).
-Each degree must be brought with Declaration of local value released by Italian Diplomatic Office (Embassy or Consulate) in the country where the degree was earned.
-In case the degree was already declared equivalent, the candidate must enclose the related documents.
-Candidates must send the application form and the description of a research project to be developed with reference to only one subject among those established in Enclosure 2), part of this competition notice.
-The candidates are asked to develop the project, the abstract and the curriculum in English. Absence of criminal prosecution is required.
-According to laws in force a maximum of four years among fellowships; only those who have not exceeded such limit can participate in this competition and anyway who can still take advantage of a two year.

International Scholarships Description: As from art. 22 law 240 on December 30th 2010 and of art. 2 of Regulations concerning fellowships for a collaboration to research activities, University of Milan has launched a competition by qualifications and interview to award 90 two years fellowships (possibly renewable) for a collaboration to research activities co-financed by Regione Lombardia within Progetto Dote Ricercator restricted to doctorate Universit degli Studi di Milano Considering paragraph 4 art. 22 Legge 240/2010 which establishes that subjects as from paragraph 1 of the same article rule by special regulations the assignment of Fellowships ; consedering Regulations concerning the assignment of Fellowships for collaboration to research activities (hereinafter Regulations) issued by Rector decree n. 272623 on 24th February 2011 in particular art. 2 of the Regulations which rules the institution of fellowships to be charged to University budge; Considering Decreto del Ministro dellIstruzione, dellUniversite della Ricerca which establishes the minimum amount.

Postdoctoral Fellowships program at University of Milan 2011Information and Application detail in the url:

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