International Fellowships Program 2011 for the Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) TOPOMOD


15 PhD and Postdoctoral International Fellowships 2011 for the Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) TOPOMOD “Sculpting the Earth’s topography: insights from modelling deep–surface processes”.

Study Subject: Investigating and modelling the origin and evolution of topography of the continents over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales.
Employer: Marie Curie Initial Training Network
International Fellowships Level: PhD and Postdoctoral

Scholarships 2011 Description: We are searching for strongly motivated young scientists at both the Early Stage (PhD) and Experienced (PostDoc) level in the frame of TOPOMOD, a training project designed to investigate and model the origin and evolution of topography of the continents over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. The multi-disciplinary approach combines geophysics, geochemistry, tectonics and structural geology with advanced geodynamic modelling.

TOPOMOD will provide to 13 Early Stage Researchers/PhD students and 2 Experienced researchers/Postdocs : i) state-of-the-art concepts and leading edge research techniques that are essential to study the behavior of complex natural systems, ii) a strong career management skills with practical courses and activities; iii) solid professional connections with industry; iv) a socially-oriented skill on environmental risks management.

15 Scholarships are available at the following institutes:
- Università “Roma Tre”, Italy (1 Phd and 1 Postdoc positions)
- VU-University Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1 Phd and 1 Postdoc positions)
- Helmholtz-Zentrum, Potsdam, Germany (2 Phd positions)
- Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland (2 Phd positions)
- University of Durham, United Kingdom (2 PhD positions)
- University of Rennes I, France (2 PhD positions)
- Cambridge University, United Kingdom (1 PhD position)
- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Barcelona Spain (2 PhD positions)

The ESR/PhD positions are for 36 months and the ER/Postdoc positions for 24 months. There is some flexibility with starting dates, although most positions are expected to start before the fall 2011. The fellows will work in their host institute with tight collaboration with other partner institutes in the network.

TOPOMOD fellows receive a Marie Curie salary. They also receive funds to support their participation in the TOPOMOD European wide research and training events. A contribution to family related expenses and the cost of annual travel back to the fellows’ home country is also provided.

PhD and Postdoctoral International Fellowships Program Application Deadline: April 30, 2011

Further Postdoc Jobs International Fellowships Program 2011 for the Marie Curie Initial Training Network Information and Application detail click here

Links Sponsor:

International Scholarships, 2011 Scholarships, International Student Scholarships

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