International PhD Fellowships at Academia Sinica Fellowship program 2011, Taiwan


Academia Sinica announced Fellowship program for Doctors of Medicine, Doctors of Dental Surgery, or Doctors of Dental Medicine to pursue PhD degrees at Taiwan Fellowships 2011

Study Subject: Medicine, Dental Surgery
Scholarship Level: PhD
Scholarship Provider: Academia Sinica
Scholarships can be taken at: Taiwan

The fellowship is open to graduate students who are under fourth grade (including fourth grade) with an M.D, D.D.S or D.M.D degree studying at any Ph.D. degree program at AS (including the Taiwan International Graduate Program).

International Fellowships for Students: No

Scholarship Description: Academia Sinica (AS) announced fellowship to encourage Doctors of Medicine, Doctors of Dental Surgery, or Doctors of Dental Medicine to pursue PhD degrees. Eligible Ph.D. students who do not currently receive any fellowships are qualified to apply for this fellowship. This fellowship support is for 24 months. The chairman of the Program and the recipient’s advisor should submit a progress report to AS two months before the end of the first year of the fellowship. The recipient may obtain the fellowship for the second year upon approval by the fellowship review committee. The fellowship is granted for a maximum of two years.

Further International PhD Fellowships at Academia Sinica Fellowships 2011 Taiwan Information and Application detail in the url :

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