HRC Foxley Fellowships at College Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand


The Health Research Council offers Fellowships at the Victoria College University of Wellington, New Zealand

Study Subject(s): Human health
Fellowships Programs Level: Research
Scholarships Provider: The Health Research Council of New Zealand
Scholarship 2011 can be taken at: New Zealand

*Applicants should be New Zealand citizens or non-New Zealand citizens with New Zealand residency at the time of applicaiont
*The Foxley Fellowship is open to graduates with research ability who have had at least 5 years experience working within the health sector. They will not be eligible for a research sabbatical within their current employment.
*Eligible applicants would include health professionals, engaged in clinical or non-clinical work, health sector managers and policy analysts. Full-time academics or other professionals not employed in the health sector would not normally be eligible.

Scholarship Description: he Health Research Council of New Zealand invests in public good research on behalf of the New Zealand Crown. The Council will invest in a portfolio of research that advances human health and is relevant to the needs of the health sector in New Zealand and to the Government’s goals for the Research, Science and Technology Sector. These objectives are outlined in the HRC’s Investment Strategy 2002/03 and Transforming New Zealand (Ministry of Research, Science and Technology 2001). The Hazel Mary Foxley estate has made a substantial bequest for the support of health research. The HRC has decided to invest this bequest to provide an annual fellowship.

Fellowships Program Application Deadline: 01 September 2011

Further Research Fellowships Information and Application detail in the url :

Fellowships at College Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

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