International Fellowships Research India-Russia Call for Proposals 2011


International Indo-Russian Fellowships Joint Research Call for Proposals 2011, India-Russia

Department of Science & Technology (DST), Govt. of India and Russian Foundation for Basic Research concluded an MoU for funding of Joint Research Proposals and Bilateral Workshops in India and Russia in the areas of Basic Science

International Fellowships Job Description: Under this MoU each project will receive annual funding of up to 800,000/-from DST to the Indian partner and up to (equivalent of US$ 20,000) Rbls. 500,000/- from RFBR to the Russian partner. This arrangement is additional one to the existing ILTP arrangement (where support on Russian side is restricted to RAS institutes).

DST and RFBR invite Indian and Russian scientists / researchers to submit proposals for Joint Research Project and Bilateral Workshop in the following areas of basic sciences under DSTRFBR cooperation:
- Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics;
- Physics and Astronomy;
- Chemistry;
- Biology and Medical Sciences;
- Earth Sciences;
- Telecommunications and Computer Sciences;
- Fundamental of Engineering Sciences.

International Fellowships Submitting an application

Indian applicants for funding should submit completed application form and all relevant, clearly labelled attachments in a single reach by 5 pm on 30th November 2010. An email acknowledging receipt of the application will be provided to the applicant in 3-5 working days. They are also requested to send eight hard copies to DST by 10th December 2010.
It should be ensured that application with identical title has been submitted by his / her Russian counterpart scientist with RFBR by due date.

International Fellowships For further details and clarifications, if any, kindly contact any of the following in India or Russia:
Mr. Rajiv Kumar
Scientist `C’, International Division
Department of Science & Technology,
Ministry of Science & Technology,
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi – 110 016., India
Fax: +91-11-26862418

Ms Mirzabekova Andreevna Asya
International Relations Department,
Russian Foundation for Basic Research
-334, FSP-1, Leninsky Prospect- 32A
Moscow – 119991, Russia

Further International Fellowships Information and Application

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