International Research Fellowships for Study in Berlin


International AIA/DAI Research Fellowships for Study in Berlin

International Research fellowships to encourage and support scholarship of the highest quality on various aspects of archaeology and to promote contact between North American and German archaeologists.

Research fellowships Job Description: The German Archaeological Institute (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut or DAI) is pleased to announce the availability of two research fellowships for AIA members who are working in North American institutions.
In 2011, the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut will offer two post-doctoral research fellowships to scholars of archaeology based in North America who wish to use the library facilities of the DAI in Berlin. Applicants need not be U.S., Canadian or Mexican citizens.

Applications are now invited for the fellowship in archaeology for the period between mid-September and mid-November 2011. The fellowship includes travel expenses for the Fellow, a stipend of 24 Euros/day plus 4.12 Euros/day for research expenses, and residence in the DAI’s guest house. If the Fellow is accompanied by a spouse the stipend will be increased by an additional 5.11 Euros/day but the spouse’s travel expenses will not be covered by the Fellowship. Unfortunately, children cannot be accommodated in the DAI’s guest house.

Prerequisites for the fellowship are a Ph.D. degree (or its equivalent) and professional competence in archaeology. The principal requirement is a detailed research proposal of no more than three pages. While in residence, the Fellows will be expected to give a lecture for the DAI.

Criteria Used in the Awarding of Research fellowships:
1. Fellows will be selected on the basis of scholarly promise as indicated by the applicant’s academic record, prior publications and the merits of the proposed research project.
2. Preference will be given to applicants who are at an early stage of their professional careers.
3. Applicants must be members of the Archaeological Institute of America and must be residents of a North American country.
The German Archaeological Institute supports affirmative action and equal opportunity in the selection of fellows.

Applicants should send the following materials:
a) a detailed research proposal (no more than three pages)
b) a curriculum vitae
c) a publication list

Applications must be postmarked by February 28, 2011. All correspondence should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Gehrke at An den Präsidenten des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts.

Research fellowships Contact:
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Gehrke
An den Präsidenten des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts
Podbielskiallee 69-71
Berlin, 14195

Further International Research Fellowships, Information and Application detail

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