Showing posts with label Fellowships 2011-2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fellowships 2011-2012. Show all posts

Post Graduate International Fellowships 2011-2012 Katherine Goodman Stern, USA

Katherine Goodman Stern Graduate International Fellowships 2011-2012 at Duke University

Study Subject: Dissertation Research

Employer: Duke University
International Fellowships Level: Post Graduate

International Fellowships description: The Graduate School is offering several competitive fellowships for advanced graduate students in the write-up stage of their dissertation. These fellowships will be funded in part from a generous endowment established by Katherine Stern.

The Stern Dissertation Fellowship provides an annual stipend (equivalent to the Graduate School recommended stipend established each year), as well as tuition and mandatory fees. In addition, the Graduate School will pay the health insurance premium for recipients who enroll in the Duke student medical insurance plan.

Post Graduate Fellowships Application Deadline: 29 October 2010

Further Post Graduate International Fellowships 2011-2012 Information and Application.

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