Research Fellowships program in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics at University of St Andrews, UK 2011


Research Fellowships program in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics at the School of Physics & Astronomy, University of St Andrews, UK International Scholarships 2011

Study Subject(s):Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
International Fellowships program Level:Research
Scholarship Provider: EPSRC
International Scholarships can be taken at: UK

Applicants must have a PhD in experimental physics and direct experience of specialised cryomagnetic equipment as detailed in the Further Particulars. The role will involve running that equipment, performing original experimental research, day-to-day supervision of students and contribution to the administration of the group.

International Scholarships for International Students: No

Scholarship Description: As part of a major new EPSRC sponsored initiative between the universities of St Andrews, Cornell, Edinburgh and Oxford, we are seeking six postdoctoral research fellows to work on aspects of topological protection and non-equilibrium states in strongly correlated electron systems.We seek outstanding candidates who can make contributions across the breadth of this programme. Recruitment will be to the programme in general, and the fellows will be expected to develop connections between the different themes. This advert is for two experimental physicists, who will be working in the first instance with Prof Andy Mackenzie on topological and mesoscopic superconductivity.

Further Research Fellowships program in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics at University of St Andrews Information and Application detail :

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