Research Fellowships program in Astrophysics at University of St Andrews, UK 2012


Research Fellowships program in Astrophysics at School of Physics & Astronomy in University of St Andrews, UK 2012

Study Subject(s): Astrophysics
Fellowships program Level: Research
Scholarship Provider: European Research Council
International Scholarships can be taken at: UK

-You should have a PhD in astronomy, astrophysics, or a closely related field.
-Demonstrate a clear ability to undertake scientific research as evidenced by a strong record of research publications
-Experience of applying relevant analytical skills, techniques and methods
-High-level analytical capability
-Good communication skills
-Proactive team member, able to motivate, encourage and support others
-Well developed planning, organisational and prioritising capability
-Must engage in Continuing Professional Development

International Scholarships Open for International Students: No

Scholarship Description: Applications are invited for a researcher in the area of charge separation and discharge processes to be applied to brown dwarfs and planetary atmospheres. You will expected to play a leading role in modelling non-equilibrium gas-phase chemistry under the influence of charge processes in a dusty environment. The School offers a young, vibrant and modern work environment with 40% of the astronomy staff members and 57% of the researchers being women. The research in St Andrews combines theoretical, numerical and observational research in extra-solar planets, in protoplanetary disk, in star formation, in magnetic activity, and in star-planet interaction as well as in gravitational lensing and galaxy dynamics.

International Fellowships Program Application Deadline: 28 October 2011

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