2012 Skadden Fellowships for Law School Graduates, New York Scholarships


Scholarships Fellowships for Law School Graduate and Outgoing Judicial Law Clerks

Study Subject(s): Law
College Scholarships Level: Graduates
Scholarship Provider: The Skadden Fellowships Program
Scholarships can be taken at: USA

The sponsor must be a 501(c)3 organization which provides civil legal services to the poor, including the working poor, the elderly, the disabled or those deprived of their civil or human rights.

Scholarship Description: Skadden Fellowships will provide support for 2012 law school graduates and outgoing judicial law clerks who want to work in the public interest for the type of organization described below. The Fellowships duration is for two years. Grants will be made to sponsoring organizations only. Therefore, before the final application date of October 3, a public interest organization which will sponsor the applicant must be identified. The sponsor must be a 501(c)3 organization which provides civil legal services to the poor, including the working poor, the elderly, the disabled or those deprived of their civil or human rights. When the application is considered by the grantmaking panel, the worthiness of the proposed project’s goals as well as the applicant’s competency, character and commitment will be considered.

Scholarships Application Deadline: October 3, 2011

Further Fellowships for Law School Graduates Information and Application detail click here


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