Postdoctoral FREJA-Fellowships at University of Copenhagen, Denmark


2-year special Postdoctoral stipends in the Faculty of Science at College University of Copenhagen in Denmark Scholarships 2011

Study Subject(s): Science
College Scholarships Level: Postdoctoral
Scholarship Provider: University of Copenhagen
Scholarships Positions can be taken at: Denmark

Eligibility:-According to Ministerial guidelines on academic positions, employment as a postdoc requires a PhD or equivalent scientific qualifications.

Scholarship Description: A FREJA Fellowships consists of a two-year Postdoc stipend in a tenure track and aims thereafter to employ the FREJA Fellow as a tenured Associate Professor. According to Ministerial guidelines on academic positions, employment as a postdoc requires a PhD or equivalent scientific qualifications. At the end of the 2 year period, the FREJA Fellow can arrange to be employed in an open-ended position. This arrangement requires that the FREJA Fellow i. has completed the Faculty’s pedagogy course for Assistant Professors or a corresponding, formal pedagogical course of study, and ii. has been evaluated as qualified at the level of Associate Professor, in which case the FREJA Fellow should request that the Department and the Faculty undertake this evaluation at least 6 months prior to the end of the FREJA stipend.Statistics on gender profiles among the Faculty’s conferred M.Sc. degrees and the Faculty’s permanent academic staff can be downloaded here (PDF, in Danish only). Since several fields employ relatively many men, women are especially encouraged to apply for the FREJA stipends, although all applications will be considered. The university wishes to reflect the surrounding community and therefore encourages all regardless of personal background to apply.

Postdoctoral Scholarships Application Deadline: September 1, 2011

Further Postdoctoral FREJA-Fellowships at University of Copenhagen Scholarships Information and Application detail click here

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