EHA Partner Fellowships Program, Netherlands College Scholarship 2011


EHA Partner Fellowships Research Program funded by European Hematology Association in the field of Clinical research in hematology for the applicants of EU and developing countries in Netherlands Scholarships 2011

Study Subject: Clinical research in hematology
Employer: European Hematology Association
College Scholarships Level: Research

Scholarship Description: As part of the Career Development Program, the EHA Partner Fellowship Program is dedicated to young hematologists from new accession and European Union candidate countries and developing countries. To facilitate development of a collaborative network between hematology institutes in Western Europe and new accession and candidate countries of the EU and developing countries.To support the career development of young scientists from new accession or EU candidate countries and developing countries who are involved in basic and clinical research in hematology by facilitating opportunities to work at host institutes in Western Europe.

A maximum of 2 awards will be granted.
Funding is for a maximum of 3 years at € 35.000 per year, which includes:
€ 10.000 per year to the host institute to cover administrative, facilities, supplies, travel and/or housing costs related to the recipient’s project.A salary of € 25.000 per year for the recipient, to be paid through the home institute.

All scientific publications, oral presentations, press releases or other information coming out of the project financed by the grant must include the following statement: “This research was funded partly by the Grant (number or code) awarded by the European Hematology Association.

Research College Scholarship Application Deadline: no later than July 8.

Further EHA Partner Fellowship Program, Netherlands College Scholarship 2011 Information and Application detail click here

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