Postdoctoral Fellowship in Multi-Photon Nanophotonics and Near-Field Microscopy, Chalmers University Sweden


Fellowship at the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Study Subject: physics, photonics, laser physics, microscopy and nano science
Employer: Chalmers University of Technology
Scholarships Level: Postdoctoral

Fellowships Description: The candidate will together with the PhD-student develop and implement an innovative subdiffractive microscopy technique using triple laser-beam excitation combined with a Near-field Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM) probe. The laser-beams and the atomic-sized gold probe will be scanned over the sample as illustrated in the schematic, forming a dynamic ~10 nm-sized focal volume from which plasmon-enhanced multi-photon emission (2-photon fluorescence, SHG, THG, CARS, FWM etc.) will be collected in a pixel-wise manner. Imaging at molecule-scale resolution will thereby be achieved. With the aim to go beyond technology development and also apply subdiffractive microscopy, the candidate will be offered to choose one of the following individual 1-2 year projects:

1. Multi-photon nanoscopy of the molecular mechanisms behind Alzheimer’s disease; to visualize single ?-amyloid fibrils (see Fig.) and follow their interaction with membrane lipids and living neurons. Compare with nanoscopy images of the molecular and structural composition of plaques in samples from brain banks.
2. Multi-photon nanoscopy of neuronal networks; to visualize the establishment of three-dimensional networks of neurons in scaffolds of bioengineered protein fibrils with tunable properties that mimic those of native tissue. Monitor the cell-fibril interaction, cell migration, axon navigation and signal generation at nano-scale.
3. Development and multi-photon nanoscopy of nanophotonic devices; fundamental investigations of nonlinear optical phenomena of nanostructures. Explore it for the development of nanolasers (see Fig.) and nanophotonic sensors with a series of interesting applications foreseen.

Scholarship Required qualifications
A suitable background is a PhD in physics, photonics, laser physics, microscopy and nano science or similar. Proven experimental skill combined with good fundamental knowledge is meriting. Fluent/excellent ability in writing and speaking English is of high importance. To your personal qualities belong enthusiasm, a positive attitude in general, be able to take responsibilities, drive and conclude projects.

Postdoctoral Fellowships Application Deadline: 2010-12-28

Further Chalmers University Scholarships Postdoctoral Fellowships Information and Application detail Click here

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