JSMF Postdoctoral Fellowships Program in Studying Complex Systems


James S. McDonnell Foundation funded fellowships for Postdoctoral research -2011

Study Subject(s): Biology, biodiversity, climate, demography, epidemiology, technological change, economic development, governance, or computation
College Scholarship Level: Postdoctoral
Scholarship Provider: James S. McDonnell Foundation
Scholarship Students can be taken at: International

Ph.D. students are eligible to apply within 18 months of the anticipated completion of graduate training but prior to a student’s identifying the institution and laboratory where postdoctoral training is to be pursued. International applicants are welcome and JSMF Fellowship funds can be used to support postdoctoral training outside of the US if at a qualified institution. Students with theoretical and/or experimental training in Complex Systems Science are eligible to apply.

Scholarship for International Students: Yes

Scholarship Description: JSMF is initiating a new postdoctoral fellowship opportunity in the area of Complex Systems research. The JSMF Fellowships are intended to provide students in the final stages of completing a PH.D. degree more leeway in identifying and securing postdoctoral training opportunities in complex systems research.
How to Apply: Online

Scholarship for International Students Application Deadline: July 15, 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application detail click here


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