Indo-US Research Fellowships for Indian Researchers, USA


Call for Applications for Indo-US Research Fellowships for Indian Researchers in USA.

Study Subject(s):Atmospheric and Earth Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Engineering, Medical Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Physical Sciences
College Scholarship Level: Research
Scholarship Provider: Indo-US Science and Technology Forum
Scholarships 2011 can be taken at: USA

Academic Qualifications: Ph.D. in Science, Engineering, Technology or Medicine.
Applicants must provide proof of independent research work in internationally recognized academic journals.
Age: Upto 40 years as on 31 December 2011
Employment: A permanent position in a public funded R&D lab/ S&T institution (non-private)/ recognized universities/colleges in India.

Scholarships 2011 Description: The IUSSTF Fellow will be entitled to fellowship amount of US $ 3000 per month.” “IUSSTF Fellow will also be entitled to a personal contingency grant of upto a maximum of Rs. 50,000 to cover for visa, airport transfer, medical insurance etc. Medical insurance expenses, visa fee, airport transfer charges will be met by the fellow from out of this personal contingency grant.” IUSSTF Fellow will also be permitted to travel within USA to attend conferences or visit other institutes of interest with the approval of the advisor at the host institute.

The Fellow will be entitled to avail one of the following grants for this purpose.
i) Grant of $ 600 for fellowship period upto 6 months
ii) Grant of $ 1200 for fellowship period beyond 6 months Air-tickets for all the selected IUSSTF Fellow would be provided directly by the IUSSTF travel desk by economy class and shortest route from their place of work in India to the place of the American host institute and back. As a rule, reimbursements will not be provided for air tickets purchased directly.

Rules governing payment of salary, leave, medical, gratuity, GPF and pension etc. of the organization/ institution/ university to which the fellow belongs would continue to be applicable. No liability on any of these accounts will be borne by IUSSTF. The candidate selected for the award of the Indo-US fellowship should commence their research with six month period from the date of award announcement. Failure to do so would render the fellow forfeit the award.

How to Apply: Application should be submitted electronically as single word/ pdf file.

Research Scholarships Application Deadline: 31 December 2011

Further Indo-US Research Fellowships for Indian Researchers, USA Scholarship 2011 Information and Application detail click here

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