Research Fellowships Program 2011 in Public Service and Leadership, Israel


Research Fellowships Program 2011 in Public Service and Leadership 2011-2012, Israel

Study Subject: Public Service and Leadership
Employer: Israel Research Fellowship Organizations
Scholarships Level: Postdoctoral

Scholarships 2011 Description: The Israel Research Fellowship is designed for applicants who have completed a Masters, Ph.D. or J.D. degree by June 2011. However, the program will also consider outstanding college graduates who have obtained impressive grades in their BA or BSc. The Fellowship is open to those who have excelled in their university or graduate work and expect to pursue a career in public serviceThe Israel Research Fellowship seeks to invest in young leaders researching in, working towards, and advocating for a peaceful and flourishing Middle East.

We aim to create a community of outstanding leaders, experts and influential opinion makers in the field. The Fellowship supports exceptional post-graduates and outstanding college graduates from across the world who have committed to a year-long, Israel-based fellowship in a major governmental, non-governmental, think-tank or media setting. They will be mentored by senior executives in their placements and be continuously informed by specially designed training seminars. The Israel Research Fellows, with their comprehensive knowledge and training will serve as a network of young leaders, advocates and future experts in the field. The Israel Research Fellowship believes in selecting and coaching the best, brightest, and most passionate post graduates and indeed outstanding graduates, interested in a career in government, international relations, public policy, Middle East policy, politics, or the media.

We are searching for active Israel advocates who have demonstrated impressive leadership qualities in their previous activities. We are investing in young leaders, and therefore investing in our future. This is no mere internship program. Seminars, specially designed conferences, close mentoring, and provocative and stimulating lectures are all essential elements of the broader education provided to Israel Research Fellows. Exposure to the best practices and lifetime wisdom of seasoned communal and political leaders inform the substance and judgments that Israel Research Fellows will make in decades to come. The Israel Research Fellowship also encourages the Fellows to write and publish op-eds, letters to the editor, and articles about the issues relevant to their placements and areas of expertise. The Fellows will attend a host of writing-skills workshops early in the Fellowship year, enabling them to maximize their writing potential when they publish throughout the year.

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International Scholarships, 2011 Scholarships, International Student Scholarships

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